Helvia - Brand presentation

ISE BARCELONA 2022 Brand presentation Helvia WHO I S HELV IA HELVIA© is a brand created by FRENEXPORT Spa to respond to the growing demand for integrated audiovideo systems. Great commercial and technical exper ience, sol id knowledge of Import/Export dynamics, efficient logistic management: these are the key factors that FRENEXPORT spa - operating for over 40 years in the MI , Pro Audio, DJ and Lighting sectors - consider pivotal in the market of integrated audio-video systems with the HELVIA© brand. Continuity and cultural identity are the founding values of HELVIA©, which not surpr isingly takes its name from an ancient Roman Colony - Helvia Recina - bui lt around the thi rd century BC in the area where FRENEXPORT Spa is currently located. Today HELVIA© offers integrated audiovideo technologies with high performance, maximum ease of instal lation and maintenance. Its phi losophy aims to make these technologies accessible to al l operators through expertise, completeness, and the abi l ity to innovate, adapting thei r own systems to every need. EXPERT I SE , COMPLETENESS , AND AB I L I TY TO I NNOVATE TECHNOLOGY AND PRODUCTS The Helvia team R&D can find the best technologies and the most up-to-date components for the enti re product l ine thanks to the deep knowledge of suppl iers in both the Eastern and European areas. From the very beginning, the l ine product has been designed and organized in such a way as to be complete, able to meet the needs of every customer . Audio speakers, mixers, microphones, matr ices, audio power ampl ifiers, LED screens, l ighting fixtures, architectural projectors and also a complete choice of cables and wi r ing. These products enr ich the current catalogue, which is innovative and in continuous renewal . Helvia© offers practical and real solutions that can be easi ly integrated and perfectly scalable.